Thursday, August 15, 2019

What is Electrology?

Electrology is the practice of electrical hair removal to permanently remove human hair from the body. Electrolysis is the process of removing hair using electricity.

In electrolysis, a qualified expert called an electrologist slides a hair-thin, solid metal probe into each hair follicle without perforating the skin (when embedded appropriately). Electricity is conveyed to the follicle by the probe, which causes localized harm to the regions that create hairs, either through the arrangement of caustic sodium hydroxide (the galvanic strategy), overheating (thermolysis), or both (the blend method).


There are three methods used in Electrology. They are:

  • Galvanic method
  • Thermolysis
  • Blend method

1. Galvanic Method:

In the Galvanic Method, a positive ground power supply which delivers 0-3 milliamperes into the body. The follicular probe is the cathode of an electrolytic cell. Sodium hydroxide developed at the cathode by means of chemical electrolysis destroys the hair matrix cells. Modern galvanic hair removers automatically adjust the voltage to maintain a constant current.

2. Thermolysis:

It is also known as radio frequency (RF), shortwave or diathermy.

In thermolysis, a radio transmitter, usually with an output of about 0-8 watts at a frequency of 13.56 MHz. RF energy radiates from the probe tip to tissue within about a millimeter. Thermolysis works by heating the hair matrix cells to about 48 to 50 °C (118 to 122 °F), causing electrocoagulation.

3. Blend method:

In the Blend method, the above-mentioned Galvanic Method and Thermolysis are combined. It uses both RF and direct current to remove the hair from the body.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

What is Dermatovenereology?


Dermatology is the branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of skin diseases, its appendages (hair, nails) and adjoining mucous membrane (mouth, genital).


Venereology is the branch of medical science that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) also called "venereal diseases".

Dermato-venerology is a branch of dermatology which deals with the study of sexually transmitted diseases whose consequences give birth to skin diseases. Venereology and dermatology can be studied together as in most of the sexually transmitted diseases the foremost symptom appears on the skin. Bacteria, virus, and parasites are the major causative agents for venerel diseases.

  • HIV infection, syphilis, gonorrhea, candidiasis, herpes simplex, human papillomavirus
  • Sexually transmitted infections: chancroid, lymphogranuloma venereum, granuloma inguinale, hepatitis B, and cytomegalovirus infection

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Thursday, August 8, 2019

9 Skin Diseases You Can Pick Up at the Gym

Gym-goers may aim to leave sessions stronger, lighter, faster, or healthier than before, they can also depart with an unwanted skin condition.

A study found that gym weights have 362 times more germs than a toilet seat.

Here are some of the most likely culprits for post-workout rash, bumps, or sores, and how you can avoid getting and spreading gym germs.

An itchy rash caused by hair follicles infected with bacteria

The treatment for folliculitis varies based on the type and the severity of the condition.
·        Medication (antibiotic/ antifungals)
·         Light therapy
·         Lancing
·         Laser hair removal
·         Home remedies
o   Warm compresses
o   Good hygiene
o   Soothing bath

·         try not to wear tight-fitting clothes
·         Keep your skin clean by showering after exercise
·         don't share towels or washcloths

A fungal infection that causes a red, scaly rash, often in a ring-shaped pattern

·         Medications (Antifungal)

·         Don't share personal items such as a towel
·         Stay cool and dry
·         Keep clean.
·         Wash your hands often

Athlete’s foot
An itchy infection caused by fungus on the feet.

·         Medications (Antifungal)
·         Home remedies (warm soak)

·         Provide a dry, clean, and friction-free environment for the feet.

Jock itch
Is a fungal infection of the groin

·         Medications (Antifungal)
·         Home remedies
o   Wash the affected area thoroughly with soap and warm water.
o   Dry the affected area thoroughly after bathing and exercise.

·         Change clothes and undergarments every day
·         Wear loose cotton clothing.

Staph infections
An infection caused by bacteria commonly found on the skin or in the nose.

·         Medications (Antibiotics)

·         Don't share personal items such as towel, soap and razors
·         Keep your hands clean
·         Keep cuts and scrapes clean and covered with bandages until they heal
·         Shower right after exercising

A highly contagious skin infection that causes red sores on the face.

·         Medications (Antibiotics)

·         Practice good hygiene
·         Take bath regularly
·         Wash your hands.

Plantar warts
small growths that usually, appear on the heels or other weight-bearing areas of your feet

·         Medications (Anti-inflammatory)
·         Medical procedure
o   Freezing-Using liquid nitrogen to freeze and remove a wart.
o   Tissue scraping- Removal of tissue by scraping or scooping with a surgical instrument called a curette.
·         Home remedies (warm soak)

·         Avoid direct contact with warts.
·         Keep your feet clean and dry
·         Change your shoes and socks daily.
·         Don't pick at or scratch warts
·         Avoid walking barefoot around swimming pools and locker rooms

Molluscum Contagiosum
Small, benign bumps on the skin caused by a poxvirus.

·         Medical procedure
o   Freezing-Using liquid nitrogen to freeze and remove a wart.
o   Tissue scraping- Removal of tissue by scraping or scooping with a surgical instrument called a curette.

·         Don't share personal items such as towel, soap and razors
·         Avoid shaving
·         Avoid sexual contact if you have bumps in the genital area

A virus causing contagious sores, most often around the mouth or on the genitals.

·         Medication (Antiviral)
·         Home remedies
o   bathing in lightly salted water
o   applying petroleum jelly to the affected area
o   soaking in a warm bath
o   avoid tight clothing

·         use condoms when having sex
·         do not have sex while symptoms are present (genital, anal, or skin-to-skin)
·         do not kiss when there is a cold sore around the mouth
·         do not have many sexual partners

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